Hung Liu: Revolutionary Daughter
Solo Exhibition

September 12 - November 29, 2003

Featuring the paintings and limited edition collector's prints of the California-based artist Hung Liu, whose Chinese heritage and feminist understanding blend to create a vibrant body of work that focuses on the cultural legacy of Chinese women. 


Digitally Derived: Fine Art in the Age of the 'Toon
Group Exhibition: Roy Lichtenstein, Monique Prieto, Carl Fudge, Julian Opie
March 29 - June 21, 2003

A group exhibition featuring the work of well-known artists that specifically look at the use of cartoon and digital processes to create and inspire their unique works.




OBJECTS: An Installation
Two-Person Show by Thomas Nozkowski and Robert Mangold

November 23, 2002 - January 26, 2003

Thomas Nozkowski has been described as a “post-minimal formalist,” by LA Weekly and as “the Chardin of contemporary abstraction,” by The New Yorker. His painting and composition involve the interplay of biomorphic and geometric forms, which heave and rock against each other.
All works are coded by number, purposely not titled. The abstract forms, without portraying the real objects in the artist's memory from which they spring, capture the viewer's imagination. Though buoyant and airy, and occasionally whimsical, they have weight and that comes from meaningful content.

Robert Mangold says: "Abstraction in an idea, geometry is not." He has never regarded geometry as anything more than a means to an end and refuses to give his work the material presence of a formal historical or political theme. The purposeful absence of contextual information is a trait he shares with Thomas Nozkowski.